Introduction to Sociology, Spring 2022
Mondays and Wednesdays (10:50am-12:05pm) N.B 1.75
John Jay College of the City University of New York
Sociology Department
In this course, you will explore what sociology is as a discipline and as a practice. Employing the sociological imagination, you will navigate the world as burgeoning sociologists. What does this mean? Well, we will explore the ways in which our lives are enacted and animated by broader social structures and institutions, and in turn how we as individuals shape those structures.
What do I expect from you?
This course is predicated on the understanding that our class space is a perpetual learning community. You must be open, engaged, attentive, and willing to see the world in new and unconventional ways.
What should you expect from me?
I will remain supportive, understanding, and communicative throughout the semester. If you need help with something, are struggling with the course material, or are having difficulty—I am here. Please reach out. I will also make the material as accessible as possible—we all learn differently. If there’s a preferred way for you to learn, let me know about that too, and I’ll do my best to meet your need.
Need to reach me? My office hours will be held virtually this semester. If you’d like to schedule a time to chat, please use the contact information below.
Instructor: Alyssa Lyons
Email: [email protected] (Because I receive many emails, it is imperative that you include “SOC 166” in the subject when sending emails. All email subjects MUST look like this: “StudentLastName_SOC166_ReasonForEmail).
Please note that I do not answer emails on the weekends and that turnaround time for email response is within 24 hours of receipt.